Support: Additional ShapeSheet Functions |
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The hunt is on for ShapeSheet functions missing from V2KDSG!
Function | Description | Reason Missing |
DOCMD | DOCMD(CmdNum) This is basically the ShapeSheet equivalent of Application.DoCmd, and is highly useful in the Events section of the ShapeSheet, amongst other places. For a list of DoCmd values, use the VBA Object Browser. |
Missing from Visio Developer Help. |
PAGENUMBER | PAGENUMBER( ) Returns the number of the containing page. Note: This is the index of this drawing page in the Document.Pages list. It is not the number of the piece of paper when a large drawing page is printed to multiple sheets of paper. |
Missing from Visio Developer Help. |
Article Created: 2000-08-16 Last edit: Last edit: 00-10-04 Graham Wideman
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