Welcome to... DiagramAntics.com


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Other Diagramming Environments

Diagramming and Semantics
  under construction

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Welcome to this growing collection of resources for the programmable diagramming community. 

Visio 2003 Developer's Survival Pack

Now Available from Graham Wideman/Diagramantics

Whether you are a seasoned Visio solution developer using Automation via VBA or other languages, or you're just intrigued by the ShapeSheet environment, this book could make your life easier. Much easier!

Get the details. 

Visio 2002 Developer's Survival Pack

Still Available

Mostly subsumed into Visio 2003 Developer's Survival Pack. View Tables of Contents for comparison.

Get the details. 

Book Owners: Support info updated 2002-08-20

Visio 2000 Developer's Survival Guide

Still Available

Mostly subsumed into the newer editions, but may be of interest if looking for discussions and reference material specific to Visio 2000.

Get the details.

Site Topic Areas

bullet Microsoft Visio
bullet Articles
bullet Resources, including Templates and Stencils
bullet Other Interesting  Diagramming Environments.
bullet Programmable Diagramming Software for end-users and solution developers
bullet Autodesk Actrix (RIP)
bullet Intergraph SmartSketch (formerly Imagineer).
bullet Not-so-Programmable Diagramming Software
bullet ConceptDraw: Skin-deep striking "resemblance" to Visio
bullet SmartDraw
bullet Diagramming components and libraries for developers
bullet Libraries 
bullet Diagramming and Semantics
bullet Articles to come


Diagramantics: The intersection of diagramming and semantics. Currently ripe for advancement thanks in part to the maturation of programmable drawing environments.

Diagram antics: Strategies and techniques for applying programmable diagramming environments to best effect; to capture and communicate structure and complexity in often delightful ways.

Originated: 2000-04-19   Last edit: 04-10-21 Graham Wideman